5 Reasons Why Creepy Guys Exist


Have you ever met a guy who just wouldn't leave you alone, even after you plainly showed you weren't interested? Have you ever had someone keep calling or texting you when you never responded? What about the guy who knows that he's scaring you, yet still persists in his pursuit? Some of these guys are dangerous and should be monitored closely, sure. Still, many of the guys considered creeps are simply applying the wrong skills to dating.

Note: This list is not exhaustive and will only consider the dynamics of a man pursuing a woman

5 Reasons Why Creepy Guys Exist

1. Otherwise Successful Guys

What has surprised me most about some guys I consider creepy is how successful they may be in other aspects of life. In other words, creepers come in unexpected packages. They may make good money; they may succeed academically; they may excel in some other way insofar as they would be attractive to some women, but whenever these guys get involved with a female, the lady tends to remove herself from the situation. Guys who are successful at a certain craft usually become good at that craft through study, practice and persistence. Some men are logical to a fault. Therefore, some guys think that studying women, practicing techniques and being persistent will help them succeed with women in the same way it helped them succeed with math, for example. Fortunately, women are more complex than a concept or skill. Skills usually come around once you put enough time in to them. Girls don't work that way.

5 Reasons Why Creepy Guys Exist

2. Guys Doing Onto Others What They Would Like to Have Done Onto Them

Apart from applying the wrong skills to dating, some men are only able to relate from a man's point of view. The best example of poor empathy are dick pics. Again, some men are logical to a fault: "I would like to see a picture of her vag; therefore, she would like to see a picture of my dick." Some men simply don't understand that the things that turn a man on don't necessarily turn a woman on (but of course, there are exceptions). Therefore, a man who sends a dick pic may do so thinking he's doing the girl a favor, but instead he's coming off as a creeper to most.

5 Reasons Why Creepy Guys Exist

3. Guys with Egos

Along the same lines, some guys think they're awesome and can't fathom that other people don't think the same. Once again, the faulty logic comes in: "I'm successful, I'm handsome, other girls have been in to me, etc. why wouldn't this girl be in to me?" A guy thinking along these lines has his ego at stake. A girl who is not in to him makes him question his characterization of himself, which is too painful. Some men like this will pursue a woman past the point of creepiness just to maintain their own mental sanity.

5 Reasons Why Creepy Guys Exist

4. Inexperienced Guys

Some guys are simply inexperienced. Their only education about how to pursue a woman comes from media and their immediate surroundings (friends, family, etc.). Some think that holding a radio outside of a girl's window who rejected you is a good idea. Why? It works in the movies. As far as their surroundings go, a guy may have grown up without a successful relationship in the house (single mom, dad, grew up with grandma, etc.). He's never seen a the results of a successful pursuit and no one around him has experienced one either. He's stepping to the plate, doesn't know how to play and never had a coach. He will strikeout today, even if he gets better tomorrow.

5 Reasons Why Creepy Guys Exist

5. Guys Who Gave Up

Finally, and most unfortunately, there are some guys who figure that they have nothing to lose by being blunt and persistent. Maybe they've never been attractive to most ladies and being brash gets them the attention for which they long. Maybe they've never been successful in their pursuit of women, so they're just throwing things at the wall, hoping that they stick. Maybe they're just a troll on the internet, separated by thousands of miles, so being creepy has no immediate consequences for them. To make another sports analogy: a lot of guys are desperately throwing hail marys, hoping that they score, even if a score isn't likely.

5 Reasons Why Creepy Guys Exist


I'm not trying to defend creepers, my point is that creepiness is not intentional in most cases. In fact, ironically, many creepers are actually coming from a good place. Nonetheless, creepers' intent usually manifests itself in, well . . . creepy ways. Women are complicated, nuanced and diverse creatures. Entire industries, terms and cultures have been devoted to understanding them. The fact that many men fail at understanding them is a testament to how beautifully complex women are.

5 Reasons Why Creepy Guys Exist
13 Opinion