10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions


As I said in a recent MyTake of mine, you should grab the chance by her pussy. So if you come across such an occasion never let your chance go.

(In alphabetical order)

1) When you are at the bus station...

10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions

It would be more suggested if she was totally on her own. But if there are other people around then it would be better if they have some distance from your target. Unless you notice they wear earphones, which is not a problem in that case. Anyway, first you must learn which buses pass from that bus station. Then ask her if that certain bus arrived yet or not. Chances are she will respond. Then tell her something nice like, Well what are you doing here by the way?

Perhaps, she will tell you she is waiting for the bus. Then you should ask her Which one? and if in case she is going with a different one say, Oh too bad we will not be in the same one …and if she seems positive keep going, and try to ask her for her number/skype before her bus arrives.

2) When you are at the café… (case #1)

10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions

In this case we will talk about the working girls at a café. Like a barista for example. Since baristas are the girls who can be found at the same spot, try to take it more slowly. The first time better be typical. The second time make a comment like, Hey you remember me?, and then judge by her response. If she seems positive, ask her what she is doing on weekends!

3) When you are at the café… (case #2)

10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions

This case has to do with café’s clients. When you enter at a café, have a good look around, and if you see a nice girl without ANY male company with her, then go to the bar, order something for you (if you want), and don’t forget to order something for the girl you spotted. Obviously she will come to you and thank you. And see how it goes from there.

This one is risky for your pocket, because she might have a boyfriend. So be careful.

4) When you are at the store...

10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions

Of course you should make sure if there are not many people behind you on your line. Otherwise it’s not suggested, because the other clients would love to kill you, if they just wait and see you flirting with the cashier. Actually it will be better if there is nobody behind you.

So if there is nobody behind you, try to make her feel more comfortable with you. Cashiers tend to speak in a formal way. So first thing you should say is, to tell her to drop the formality. Actually you can say this, even if others are behind you. But you should start make your move if there is nobody behind you.

5) When you are crossing a two way street...

10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions

…and you wait till the light turns green in order to cross the street, and then do the same again with the other line. Sometimes two way streets are separated in two with barricades. Try to get behind to a girl in the first line, who is carrying a bag. Then tell her that her bag is opened! But actually it’s preferred if her bag is actually not open. Why? Because you can tell her that you used it as an excuse to talk to her! Don’t say anything else after this, no matter her reaction. Then on the second line ask her where she is going.

But this is a matter of luck because the light might turn red again later than you expected. Now if you are lucky, you must ask her, Where do you go if you don’t mind asking me? If she ignores you, then stop it. Otherwise keep going and ask her, if she minds if you come along. Of course her destination must not involve ANY male company!

6) When you are in the park (for dog lovers)...

10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions

It’s ideal if you own a dog (personally I don’t because I can’t stand pets)…but for those who like dogs is a good occasion. Why? Because when you take your dog out for a walk in the park, you might come across a girl who takes her own dog for a walk too. This time she might talk to you first and ask you about your dog, there’s a good chance if she is single to score a date, after chatting with her a little bit.

7) When you are outside of a club...

10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions

Yes, exactly. Not in but out. Why? Because if you are in, isn’t helpful at all to make your move. It’s too loud and crowdy. But stay outside without looking suspicious. The good thing with clubs is that chances are girls will be wasted when they leave so you can make your move easier. If she is with a girl group or not it doesn’t matter. Just avoid any male company of course. Anyway, you should try to chat with her like, Hi, how are you?, Where are you from?, etc. Try to get her phone/skype and ask her to meet her next weekend. People are more open when they are wasted. But don’t touch her or anything. Otherwise you will be the one to be blamed.

8. When you are outside of a college...

10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions

Perfect. She must be out of the building, either waiting for someone, or just having a break. Maybe you could ask her for some random direction (that you should know actually) and then once she shows you the way (or if she says I don’t know), ask her if she is studying her, which classes she is attending and such stuff. Then if she looks positive ask her what she is doing during weekends. Why not arrange going out at weekend if she seems to be positive?

9) When you come across a girl who is advertising products...

10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions

Like a perfume for example. There are girls, usually in central areas, who are advertising products. Although the problem is that there might be some guys also, but usually are girls. So if you are lucky and there are girls only, then go there and make your move by asking her to put you some perfume. She will talk to you about it and how much does it costs….then say something nice like, When it’s your birthday? Chances are she will tell you when, but she will also ask, Why do you ask? Now, you should respond To give it to you as a gift. Again chances are, she will say something like Ohhh thank you!, then ask her what she is doing after she finishes from there and….well you know the rest.

10) When you drive...

10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions

This is a crazy one, but it deserves a try and it might work out. So when you drive and you happen to be at a stop, and the driver next to you happens to be a girl that you like her looks (and if she has her windows open, even better), here’s something you can do. Use your horn to grab her attention, and say to her Hello sweetie, do you care for a race? To tell you the truth chances are minimum because she might be on her way to work or somewhere like that, so she will turn you down. But she might be a little bit crazy and say Why not? Let’s go! Then when you both reach some less busy street…make your move there! Don’t forget to compliment her driving skills.

That's it. And sorry for the wrong category!

10 Pick-Up Lines For 10 Different Occasions
8 Opinion