Approach Invitations


"I'd love it if he'd come talk to me!"

Approach Invitations

Ever find yourself in a situation where you're ready to make an approach with a girl, or are unsure how to lead him your way? If you are wondering whether or not she'd really appreciate your approach, check out the signs and signals she gives out, because they will be there. I've had experiences where women would make direct eye contact with me from afar, place themselves close to my vicinity or within my eyesight, or place themselves where they'd know I was about to be, because they know that those are excellent ways to be approached, and they are surefire signs that beg you to say "hi".

Close Proximity

Approach Invitations

If a person has intentionally put his/herself close within your general proximity, you have been a target for their current interest. Though in situation, if you're also interested in her, you will need to build up an attraction before you can be yourself. Make a nonchalant approach and ask a few questions about herself to get her talking. While she is talking, do not break eye contact often (do it every once in awhile), as your eyes should be locked into her 90% of the time. You'll need to make sure she knows that she doesn't intimidate you. You cannot be nervous with a woman that is not yet attracted to.

Stares in your direction

Approach Invitations

If you happen to notice a woman staring at you, wait a few moments, then look back. If she looks away or gives a flirtatious smile, you may now determine whether or not you want to approach. With a woman that smiles back, you may make a cold approach her. If she were to quickly look away, be vigilant. You don't want her to feel more uncomfortable than she already is.

Other signs are included, but not limited to: Expressive behavior within close proximity such as expressing boredom with an overly loud yawn, positioning herself to where she expects you to go, and singling you out from all of the others. In order to capitalize on flirtatious behavior, remain calm and keep control. You'll need to make sure you're conscious of what you do in order to have more
positive results. After all, it's just an invitation to talk. The more calm you are, the more confident you'll be as soon as you walk towards a possible new partner.

Approach Invitations
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