My ex boyfriend called me a c*nt?

So, here's the story. My ex and I dated for 3 1/2 years. After we broke up, (I broke up with him.) he stalked me for the LONGEST time. Like 6 months or so. He eventually stopped and I decided to try and be nice and be friends. It was a very abusive relationship which is why I left. I couldn't handle the emotional, verbal, and physical violence anymore. I also have memory problems, and lots of anxiety. He'd also use all of that against me to pick fights with me. So after a few months we both decided to be friends nothing more. On occasion he'd ask me for 'pictures' and I'd say NO. He's one of those guys who'd say 'please' until he pisses the girl off and she agrees to it. He did it to me while we dated. and I always ended up saying yes. but this time was different and I said ABSOLUTELY not. I have a new boyfriend now, and he'd ask me for pictures still and make sexual comments. When I'd ask him to stop, he would, but it's like he completely LOST his memory and would do it again the next time we talked? WHY? So finally, getting up to this conclusion, I was talking to him and a couple of my friends on Skype, and he called me out on a few things. Calling me fake, and all this stuff, like showing off for my friends on Skype or something like that. I finally got tired of it and told him how upset I got and he called me a cunt. Why would he do that? Was I too nice?
My ex boyfriend called me a c*nt?
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