Tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday?

So tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday. He is the type of guy that is really cute, and therefore a lot of girls are attracted to him. I am a little worried that tomorrow on Facebook, some girl will try to post something flirty on his wall. I looked at his birthday last year, and girls did post "happy birthday" on his wall, but it was completely appropriate. As far as I know, no girls have posted anything inappropriate on his wall for as long as I've been seeing him, except for this Asian girl "Lilly". Lilly posted on his wall about a month ago, it was one of those "TBH" things, and what she posted wasn't' flirty or anything along those lines, but she put like six smiley faces. I got a little upset so I showed it to my friend "Adam" and he told me it sounded like a friend post, except he was a bit thrown off with the amount of smiley faces. I have told Adam about my worries, and he told me that if Lilly tries to post anything inappropriate, he will personally message her. He also told me if girls try to post anything inappropriate he will "take care of them" for me.
I'm still very worried. Help?
Tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday?
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