Attention seeking women?

This married girl I work with pursued and still pursues attention from me. When I first started she went crazy for my attention would find ways to talk to me then back off for a while then come back. I'd get pissed and ignore her because I felt it was a game. I felt like she had a crush on my friend too but never really saw them talking ever. Only flirting trying to get his attention stuff but never talkng. I talked to other girls all the time and talked about other girls being hot around her. There were a few times where she flirted with him hard in front of me and I was t sure if it was to make me jealous or get his attention or both. Still a mystery. I started skipping many of our group lunches so I couldnt be made jealous and she started skipping all of them. Her and I did a back and forth thing for like 5 months and I finally decided to ignore her for almost two months. I was cold to her too. I could tell she was pissed. My buddy tells me she has been walking and talking with him during this time and that its weirding him out. It's been over a year now. She still tries to get my attention but we don't talk near as much as we used to. I know that she texts another buddy of mine who used to work here. I also know that she goes looking for attention from other guys at work too. I feel like she does this more if I ignore her but I could be wrong?
Attention seeking women?
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