Do women really want equal rights?

Okay, now before you read this please understand that I'm not trying to offend anyone. I'm not a troll, nor am I biased. I'm just being honest based on observation., so if you're offended by that then that's an issue you have to deal with.

For some time now women have been fighting for equal rights. But everywhere I go I don't actually see that happening. If I open a door, the girl with me will scold me if I go through first without letting her through before me. If she opens the door first then I'll be lucky if she even holds it open as she's walking through. "Ladies first" is a sickening phrase that not only destroys any sentiment of equality but actually puts women above men.

I was reading a poll about who's job it is to ask the other out (I can't be bothered to find it, it was one of the top rated discussions). Most women voted that it is the guy's job to ask the girl out, which again goes against the whole "equality" thing. The funny thing is, most men agreed that either sex should be able to ask the other out. So, in this situation, men are saying women have just as much an obligation as men to ask someone out, while women are saying it is the man's job to do all the work. Heh.

From my experience, and I emphasize this is my unbiased experience, most women will fight for "equal rights" when what they really want is better rights. They want men to hold the door open for them, pay for dates, buy them flowers, and put in all the effort of initiating a relationship, all while arguing for equal pay and respect in the working field. Make up your mind, you can either hold on to the traditional belief of "man looks after woman," or you can ditch the idea of being the "pampered sex" and actually strive for EQUAL rights. You don't get both.

if your are a woman and you are not like the type of woman I described in this post, then you should not be offended as this wasn't directed towards you. If you are offended by this post then good, because that just means you're the type of woman I described and you need a good dose of reality.

Let the discussion begin.
Do women really want equal rights?
7 Opinion