Guys, I'm a 36DD but I have a small butt. Does that make me unattractive?

It seems like in this day and age, there's nothing worse than a girl with a flat butt. Well, I happen to be one of those girls. Over the past few years, I've really started to hate my body. I have a pretty face, and my boobs are a 36DD and naturally very perky, but it seems like none of that matters, because I have a "pancake ass" nobody will ever think I'm sexy. One guy I was hooking up with a few months back even said to me "Honestly, from the chest up you're close to a 10. But the bottom half of you is a 2 at best."
I'm not a "thin" girl by any means, but I'm not overweight either. My base line weight has usually been somewhere between 128 and 132. However, I've gained about 10 lbs over the past year because I was diagnosed with a medical problem and the medicine I'm having to take for it causes weight gain. But pretty much all of that extra weight has gone to my belly, none of it went to my butt. I don't know why but my body just doesn't store fat there. That makes me feel even worse about myself, although I'm going to the gym 2-3 times a week and trying to eat healthy so that I can drop the weight. I actually do squats, but that just makes my butt firmer, not bigger.
Almost every guy I've dated or talked to has told me it's a huge turn off. One guy even straight up told me that while we were hooking up he went soft because my butt looked like Hank Hill in a thong. The only guy whos claimed to have liked my butt is my ex who I was in a serious long-term relationship with for over 2 years, but I'm almost positive he was just saying that to make me feel better about myself. He's said my butt size doesn't matter because I have naturally "perfect" boobs. I used to believe that, but now I don't anymore. It seems like no one finds me attractive because of my butt.
Guys on here, be honest? Should I feel as unattractive as i do? Are small butts really that bad? And if so, do big, perky boobs cancel that out? Or is that just the worst body type out there?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • First of all:

    Secondly, this:

    ... is not "fat," it's "muscle."

    What you're looking for is: Myofibrillar Hypertrophy

    The way to increase the "size" of your ass (and shape) is not to do high reps, but to do about 2-3 sets of (6) reps of 80% of your 1-REP-MAX. Your muscle fibers will slowly tear down during your 3rd set. This is "micro trauma." With proper protein intake and rest, those muscle fibers should heal, "and" the body will create "additional" muscle fibers in order to adapt to its environment and prevent further injury. This takes about 72 hours, which means you can only do (2) of these sessions per week. Throughout the rest of the week, you can do "high rep" / "low load" workouts in that area just to flush out the build-up of lactic acid as part of an active recovery (but if you do any kind of "high load," then you're being counter-productive and destroying any progress you've made (and putting yourself at risk of a non-"micro"-injury).

    The good news is, there are some things in life that are "outside" of your control (e. g., genetics, how your face looks naturally without plastic surgery, how your boobs look naturally without plastic surgery). Girls who don't have what you've been blessed with have a significant disadvantage, and there's nothing they can do about it but risk plastic surgery or become feminists.

    You, on the other hand, have a situation where the ability to reach positive change is completely within your control. All you have to do is put in the work, and you're going to get the results. You just need to put in the right kind of work. It's scientific. If you're doing it wrong, you'll know. You'll be doing high rep and low load sets, and you won't see any kind of increase in size. In order to see consistent size gains, you need 2-3 sets of 6 reps, where each rep is about 80% of your 1-REP-MAX. When you feel your workouts getting too easy, you just progressively increase your weight load.

    Looking good is not all "genetic." But it's not "random" hard work either. Maybe hire a personal trainer a few times in the beginning until you get the hang of how you're supposed to train your butt and recover after your workout.

  • I can't believe that guys have actually said this to you. What kind of guys do you hang out with? They sound like complete dicks to be honest :/

    There is nothing at all wrong with a small butt, you don't need to have some massive Kardashian butt to be attractive. Seriously, get that thought out of your head. I bet you look a whole lot better than you think and you can't take opinions from idiots.

    • Thanks, you've been helpful. It seems like pretty much all guys care about when talking about a girl is how nice of an ass she has. Maybe it's just because that's "trendy", I don't know.

    • Guys say all kinds of shit like they are some kind of sex god. The fact is that most guys aren't half as picky as they might make out. Your assets sound enviable, don't buy into the bullshit.

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What Guys Said

  • having a small butt doesn't make someone unattractive

  • Well yourelucky because you can actually do something aobut it. If a girl has naturally small boobs there's nothing she can do about other than plastic surgery but a butt can be build through weight lifting. It doesn't matter how small butt you have but I have yet to meet a woman that can't build a nice round butt with weightlifting. Do squats, deadlifts, romainan deadlifts, lunges and hip thrusts and gradually add weight and I guarantee you will build a nice round butt by time. You just have to be patient and consistent.

  • Varies from person to person. However majority of males will be ok.

  • I prefer butt over boobs. But smile and personality over both..

  • sounds like you've been talking to the wrong guys

  • I prefer ass, but if I liked the girl it wouldn't matter so much

  • not at all. stop bothering. start enjoying life. you look awesome and we gonna love you.

  • Nope perfect for titty fucking. I like boobs more than ass

    • Glad to hear it! I Hope most guys think like you.

    • 36DD is a dream come true, I could suck on them all night

    • Have you been titty fucked before?

    • Honestly, it's not much bigger than that.

    • I'm pretty sure that's photoshopped though considering her shorts are on backwards.

    • Show All
  • Have surgery that's all I can tell ya

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