My friend is mad at ME, because the guy she likes, likes me! HELP.

So today, my friend lets call her Lucy, asked me and another friend, who we can call, Jane, to go ask this guy out for her. I know, childish! But that's what she wanted, so me and Jane go up to him and ask. So we go, and Jane's really bold, and she doesn't mind asking out a senior, even though technically it's not for her...But still, I couldn't just ask, I just tagged along. So Janes way up ahead of me, and I see her ask him. This guys cutish, not a total stud, but cute. And when I got closer, he smiled and said, "go out with her? Sure." And he slung his arm over my shoulder. Jane laughs and says "actually, she's over there" and we point to Lucy. Then he says, "oh, sorry, no thanks." While his arm is still on my shoulder. Eventually we start to walk away, and he asks: "So are we going out?" I say no, because, he's just not for me, plus my friend would be p*ssed. Wait, that doesn't matter, cause she's already really mad! She says: "It's not fair, god!" And she runs away from me, and of course all the girls who I thought were my besties run after her. And I'm alone, and apparently the bitch. I want all my friends back, what should I do?
My friend is mad at ME, because the guy she likes, likes me! HELP.
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