How to know if a smart, shy, confident girl likes me?

I don't want to write out the whole story, but, essentially, I'm a college student and I kind of like this girl in my second semester literature class, but I can't tell if she likes me back. From what I can tell, she seems to only have one really good friend, who she spends the vast majority of her free time with, which is why I'm characterizing her as "shy", although antisocial would probably be more appropriate. She's not the sort of shy girl who is socially awkward or anything like that, as far as I can tell. Anyway, I've done what I would consider flirting with her a few times and initiated conversation with her and we have quite a bit in common, which is awesome, but I don't know. Sometimes I'm worried that I'm kind of intimidating or something. But then whenever I see her and her friend, the friend makes it a point to wave at me or talk to me. I know this is supposedly a good sign, but I also wonder if it's possible that she's doing it to mess with her because she actually doesn't like me. Ah. I don't know. Does anybody have any suggestions?
How to know if a smart, shy, confident girl likes me?
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