*PERFECT* surprise romantic encounter? Guys and girls...

Hello, I'm a writer and I need some ideas for poems/short stories I want to create. Plus, it's just fun reading people's responses to this question. So help me out...

What is your perfect, fairy-tale surprise romantic encounter? It's so romantic it's like a movie scene. Let's see your ideas :)



I am a pianist, so I'd be playing Moonlight sonata ( link in a garden by myself, having been separated from my love/alone for a long time. It would be midnight or 1-2 am in the morning. It'd be dark except for a bright moon. While I am playing, I imagine the face of my lover being my imaginary audience, since I can't be with her...

Behind me, a padlock gate opens up, she walks to me in bare feet through the quiet grass so I cannot hear her, snow-white dress. Then she slowly snakes her arms around my chest from behind and gives me a hug, then kisses my neck from behind.

Okay next!
*PERFECT* surprise romantic encounter? Guys and girls...
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