Have you ever seen someone so beautiful, it blew you away?

made you just totally speechless and awe-stuck?

there was this girl I've seen ride the same bus twice the last month, and every time I see her I just lean my head against the window and my mind goes somewhere else. I try not to stare, but once I saw her face perfectly through one of the bus driver's rear view mirror, and I saw her at the same mirror and our eyes met. I got kinda embarrassed and it made me quit looking. she was also with her baby, I'm not sure how old she is. next time I see her, I will definitely try to chat with her.

what about yourself? have you ever been so attracted to someone it made you feel tingly or sweaty, or other physical reactions? how does it make you feel, what kind of emotions?
Have you ever seen someone so beautiful, it blew you away?
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