My best acting like my boyfriend!

Well, I've had my best guy friend for a friend for a long time...almost 3 years now. He has always been inclined to protecting me, teasing me, looking at me for a really really long time, and we've always had the longest soulful conversations.

He's admitted he can talk to me about anything and I feel the same. :)

We've had (in the last year) some physical chemistry as well, but he got together with his girlfriend and then I found a boyfriend...

But now we're both single. :P

Either way, we talked the other day and he told me I'm perfect and if only I was into video games as much as him that he would marry me right now! xD

He told me he never jokes about these things and he looked quite serious, but had a small cute smile on his lips. I just smiled and started to tease him about playing video games! I do this a lot, tease him, and he teases me to the point when sometimes I have to hit him to stop (not really hit...just playfully). The other day I was walking home, and it was pretty late and he was not able to escort me home (but I never expected him to, and it was a bit of a shock that he was a bit down that he couldn't walk me home...). He was a bit embarrassed saying this in front of all our friends, so he sent me a text a minute after we all parted to call him when I get home, so he knows I'm safe!

It was the cutest thing ever! :D

So what I'm trying to ask here is, is he just the best friend a girl could have ever asked for, or is he inclined to wish for something more?

(WoW, this rhymes!)

Thank you for your answers!

My best acting like my boyfriend!
4 Opinion