Why do guys say "I'm not hitting on you, but..." and then hit on you?

I swear every time I go out guys approach me to buy me a drink or something and they start with that line. This weekend this guy comes up to me and says "I'm not hitting on you but can I buy you a drink?" ... Like seriously, why preface your offer with such a negative vibe? I was instantly turned off and just wanted him to go away. But thinking back on it... If he'd just approached me aggressively and made his intentions known I would have been so much more interested. Nothing's hotter than a guy who just takes control.

So why do guys do this? Is it just fear?

And just my 2 cents... This is why girls end up rejecting the "nice" guy... Because that kind of weak "nice" guy behavior is a real turnoff.
Why do guys say "I'm not hitting on you, but..." and then hit on you?
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