Chemistry / Sexual Tension / Attraction: how to know which one it is?

So I am really confused as to how one should identify what chemistry, sexual tension and plain attraction are.

Are they the same thing ? Are they different? Are they always mutual or can someone feel a spark and the other won't?

Also most importantly can you create any of them? Or is it a matter of "it is either there or not" ?

I've found various articles on the web, stating quite different things on the subject, which is why I'd like everyone's opinion on the matter.






Also what advice would you give the opposite sex to be more attractive (that doesn't have to do with looks obviously) ?

For example the last link talk about guys having sexual tension and owning sexual energy. And I have found this to be very true, if there is one quality that separates guys who get the girls from those who don't it's sexual confidence. Such men now how to display their sexual desires without coming off as desperate which in makes them exude a lot of sexual energy and women are sorta drawn to it.

I was also wondering if there was a female equivalent for this. What is the difference between a girl that has a lot of guys falling for her and one who doesn't ?

Chemistry / Sexual Tension / Attraction: how to know which one it is?
2 Opinion