6 months and he doesn't know my last name

I have been seeing this guy for six months and we have confessed our love for each other. When we are together, we always have a great time. Just the other night while talking on the phone it was revealed to me by mistake that he doesn't even know my last name! I tried to talk to him about this but he wanted to get off the phone "he was sleepy". So We hung up, and I began texting him nasty messages Like: F*** you, how can you love someone and not even know their last name, I feel like just a f*** buddy to you, go f*** someone whose last name you know, and I called him not an asshole but a whole ass. I did this in several texts. Do you think I wilded out too much and what do you think he thinks now. I have not talked to him since this which was about two nights ago.
6 months and he doesn't know my last name
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