I'm his first girlfriend? Should I worry?

Hi! I'm 17 and my boyfriend is 16. I'm a junior and he's a senior (he skipped a grade). We've been dating for 2 months now. It's been going pretty good. I'm his first girlfriend which he asked me to homecoming then asked me to be his girlfriend. He's sweet, gentleman and likes to play video games. I'm afraid he will stop liking me. I keep fearing he will dump me and try to hook up with other girls especially since he is a senior and going to graduate and go to college and find a new girl.

I remember telling him I was worried about him going off to college and not seeing him again and he said he will be around and that he promises and that he never breaks a promise. I’ve dated 8 guys but I am afraid he’s going to be like the rest.

I haven't told him about this but not sure if I should. Me and my bestie Hannah have known him, well hung out in class and lunch ever since last year. It was a bit shocking he liked ME. I'm insecure but I don't go telling him my insecurities and whine. I remember I tried hooking him up with Hannah since she wanted a boyfriend but he said "I have one rule and it is to not get a girlfriend until college." But now this year, he asks me out and not her?

I'm his first girlfriend? Should I worry?
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