My crush talks to every girl but me?

I have a crush on this guy . So I sent him a friend request one day. He never accepted it .. until the day my friends told him I like him. He accepted my request and I messaged him saying that my friends did that as a dare. He said, " I'm awesome so I'm used to people telling me they love me " and I said "yup" and asked about homework, he answered and I said thanks and the convo was over. This happened a lot. I would always message first and ask about homework but he would never keep the convo going. One day I messaged him asking him about his favorite TV show .

That conversation lasted like 2 minutes and then it was over . I guess he got used to talking to me so he sometimes messaged me asking me for homework help like only 7-8 times. One of those times we had a nice conversation where he asked me about my future goals and we talked about what we like and dislike. He started that one and he was also the one that kept it going .. but then it died off, and he slowly stopped keeping it going. We only talk online and he does attempt to crack jokes but I guess he does that with everyone. This other time he messaged me asking for help in business when I'm not even in his business class any more. One time I asked him to do a report for me ( as a joke) he replied with " I would .. but I have a life :P sorry " . One time this guy was annoying me like a lot so I asked my crush to hit him and my crush said he'll do it for sure and he actually did do it the next day without me telling him or anything.

This whole weekend I spent my time tutoring him. He didn't understand how to do something so I tried explaining it to him but he didn't understand so I told him I can't explain it and he told me to try again. sometimes he MAKES me get out of bed ,get my hw and help him even if I tell him I'm comfortable. He likes all my art works' photographs and he talks about my marks to his friends.

This time we were passing by him in the hallway and I heard him talking about how high my marks are . Even in class, when I was telling my friend my mark , he heard it and mumbled " a 98% wow ".

Here's the problem --> Me and him barely talk in class and when we do he never ever looks at me while talking to me. He faces me to give me something and when I ask his mark he makes no eye contact at all .
My crush talks to every girl but me?
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