Why Americans Need To Adopt A Vegetarian Asian Diet

1. Tea In East Asian countries, people often drink unsweetened tea. Tea is not insanely bitter like coffee, so I think tea would...
10 17

8 Kinds of Fruit You Didn't Know Existed

1. Roselle Fruit Ok its not a fruit or a flower but it's in the name so it's going on the list. Roselle is high in calcium, iron,...
1 7

30 Things Cooks Say

1. I made this myself... 2. ...from scratch... 3...only took me 16 hours 4...you're welcome! 5. You can tell that's not good butter....
0 1

Make Your Calorie Bomb Meals More Body-Friendly With Simple Choices

Yeah, everyone loves a good hamburger, pizza, fries, doughnuts...but what you can do to make all of these at least a bit more healthy...
10 4

Lazy Food: Three Minute Milo Mug Cake

If you haven't seen my first recipe in I guess what is becoming a 'lazy food' series, I suggest you check it out here. It's a peanut...
3 13

3 Reasons Why I Hate The Concept of Fast Food

Fast food is a joke in America, hungry? Wanna grab a bite to eat? How about a greasy and disgusting hamburger? No? Well then have a...
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Why We Must Stop Having Recipes And Start Being Creative

https://www.youtube.com/embed/qiSg6lwIItU 1. We must be flexible with what we have Recorded recipes are never flexible. They just report...
1 1

To the people that solely don't eat pork, why don't you?

I love it always have. Lately I see people jumping on board with refusing to eat even if they did before, but eating it sometimes if...

Light weight drinker?

So I'm an extreme light weight... what's some good drinks for me to order while I'm out to eat and liquor for at home with my boyfriend?

What is your number one comfort food? And why?

If you don't know what a "comfort food" is, it's basically a kind of food that you eat when you're stressed/upset even if you're not...
19 13

Is it ok to hate sharing the same plate while eat?

Now here's the thing, when I eat I need my space around me. Apparently I'm being an ass because "It's not about sharing a plate, it's...

Should I burp and fart?

Hi there I am a girl and I burp and fart a lot all the time after eating in any place because I am quite gassy. And was just wondering...

Vegetables and Meat which do you prefer?

I used to eat meats, but now I like to eat vegetables, I still trying hard to be a fully vegan!
10 10

How do you take your coffee/tea?

I take my coffee strong, and tea depends: if earl grey then strong, if green then weak.
11 7

Ice-cream in a cone or in a cup, which is better?

And what's your favourite flavor?
27 19

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