Every man should know The Rule of Twos


When a man excessively pursues a woman, the best case scenario is a prime spot in her friendzone. More likely, you’ll ruin your own reputation when she gossips to other girls.

Every man should know The Rule of Twos

So here's what every MAN should do...

The Rule of Twos

“Once is a mistake, twice is a choice.”

When pursuing a girl, if she ignores, rejects, or disrespects you TWICE, you immediately walk away and never contact her again. No apologies, no goodbyes, nothing. As far as you are concerned, she no longer exists.

- If you ask for a girl’s number and she refuses twice, walk away.

- If you text a girl twice with no response, walk away.

- If she refuses plans twice (with no offer to reschedule), walk away.

- If she flakes or cancels last minute twice, walk away.

- If she shuts you down sexually twice, walk away.

- If she disrespects or belittles you twice (physically, verbally, socially), walk away.

Remember guys never chase a girl.

What do you think? ........

Every man should know The Rule of Twos
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