A way to kick self harm's ass


Many people suffer from mental diseases, such as depression and anxiety, even both. They can cause people to self harm, physically or mentally. I used to burn, and I am trying to stop destorying myself mentally. Here's some things I learned when it comes to self harm, and how to stop it. This is a very serious topic, all hate will be reported and this may be long.

A way to kick self harms ass.

Recently, a great friend of mine told me she self harmed. Well as soon as I read those words, my heart sank. She told me she cuts because she feels like trash. Well I gave her some tips and made her feel a lot better (I think). She said she'd follow my advice and that I'm an 'amazing person'. I find that to not be true because I was just doing what a human in my situation should do.

No one is perfect, because "Perfection is all in perception." Some of us are the artists, some of us, are the art. Not many people realize how damaging self harm is to a person, their mental, and sometimes physical health. People cut or burn to feel pain, to know something is real. They self harm because it makes them feel better, it gives them something to focus on.

I was depressed for a long time, and very suicidal. I burned myself on my thighs and wrists at least twice a day, but never hot enough to leave a mark. I knew what I was doing, I knew I shouldn't have but I did anyway. It took my mind off of my father and my shitty life.

I know overcoming self harm is a difficult thing to do, but the damage it does to you...it is not worth it.

A way to kick self harm's ass

Stopping self harm is very important, and I am going to give some tips and advice on how and why to stop it.

I recomend you talk to someone you love, whether it is your mom, best friend, or cat. Tell them when you want to hurt yourself and why. Cry, fall into their arms, (or fur) and just let it out.

When it comes to physical self harm, I recomend you take the knife, lighter, matches, razor and throw them away, throw them at the wall or in mud or break them. Glare at them, yell at them for giving them control over you.

Or, stare at it. Talk to it, tell it that it doesn't have control over you, you are not the scars it gave you, you are not your depression, you are not your pain. Tell it that it is not your friend and will no longer have a part of your life.

For those who mentally harm yourself (this can go for physically too), look in the mirror. Study every inch of your (preferablly naked) body and talk to yourself. Stare into your eyes, look at your freckles, scars, birthmarks, uneven skin tones. Jiggle that belly fat, grab your breasts, poke your cheek, make goofy faces. Look at you. You have all these traits, no one has this exact body. No one looks like you excatly the way you do.

You may wish you were someone else, you wanna be "the confident guy" or "the popular girl." You shouldn't because then you wouldn't be you. You are not either of you and there's no other way you should be. Just be you, be shy and awkward, be loud and obnoxious.

Self harm, whether physically or mentally is very self destructive. I recomend you do something you enjoy, whether it's dancing on your bed, singing loudly, drawing, going for a run/working out, anything. Distract yourself.

I know how it feels to self harm, the feeling you get from it. But I know how it feels to be clean for months on end. It may feel good to cut or burn, but it feels so much better to be able to look back and say "I was miserable and I cut. Now...I'm so fucking happy." That feeling of pride when you reaize that is one not many other feelings can beat.

If you want to self harm, distract yourself, destroy what destroys you.

Remember: You were art long before they came along, you'll continue to be art long aftet they're gone. A masterpiece is still a masterpiece when the lights are off and the room is empty.

You may kill off the part of yourself you hate, but that doesn't mean you need to kill yourself.

Recovery is worth it, there will be so much happiness in your life. As someone who has been clean since late June, I am so proud I haven't relapsed, no matter how many times I've wanted to.

"He told me, 'When you cut, take my arm and cut as much as you would to yourself.' I told him, 'I couldnt hurt you like that.' Finally, I understood."

A way to kick self harm's ass
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