Why your girlfriend is jealous of the girls you're friends with


Why your girlfriend is jealous of the girls you're friends with

Now this should already be obvious buuuut I'll go into more detail.

So your girlfriend is jealous of your female friends but why? They're only friends and you're going out with her so what is she so worried about?

Well, she sees those girls as threats. If she's your girlfriend then she obviously fancies you and wants you to feel the same way about her and not some other girl. She wants you to love her and be the only person you love (in that way). She doesn't want to be your second best, she wants to be your first best, so if she feels like you are putting another girl before her then she may fear you like that girl more than her and that she is only second best.

Part of why she gets jealous (even if you reassure her you only love her and mean it) could be down to trust issues - People may have lied and cheated on her before which has made her wary in the present.

Another reason she could be concerned about it is (in my experience) when a hetreosexual male and female become friends and get so emotionally close to one another then one usually ends up fancying the other - And who wants their boyfriend hanging out with another girl who fancies him (or who he secretly fancies) all the time? Not me, that's for sure!

But maybe you seriously don't fancy those girls you're friends with - They're just people whom you seem to get on with or thats helped you in the past but you wouldn't want a romantic relationship with. You love your girlfriend and that's it, so what should you do to help her feel better?

Well, just tell her that! (So long as you mean it) and you can still speak to your friends but just make sure you are spending more time with your girlfriend than your girl friend. Make it obvious to your girlfriend just how much you care about her. Another important thing is to tell her the truth about who you're talking too when she asks (even if you fear she will get jealous) as this builds trust. For example: If your girlfriend asks who you are talking too and it's your friend, Jess but you tell her it's Robert and she finds out you lied, she will wonder why you lied about it and think you are hiding something.

Now, if she asks and you tell her the truth about it being a girl you're friends with, it's possible she may still feel jealous but then she will trust and respect you more for telling her the truth. Although, if you pay more attention to your girlfriend than any other girl and make it obvious you love her then she shouldn't get too jealous anyway.

Now, what about if your girlfriend was right to be jealous and you do actually fancy a female friend more than her?

Well... You gotta break up with your girlfriend. No one deserves to be second best in a relationship and it's unfair on her and unfair on you too. You're with a girl who you don't truly love which is unfair on her because if you continue this you are leading her on when she could be spending her time finding a guy who does truly love her, and it's unfair on you because you're clearly not happy in your relationship and would rather have someone else. It may feel crappy breaking up with her at first but if you are in this situation where you love someone more than her then in the long run it is probably best too just break up and then you can go on persuing other girls and find the one you do truly love as can she.

Remember, if you like someone else more than your partner then don't cheat - break up with your girlfriend before persuing other girls.

As usual, sorry this was long and for any grammar mistakes I might have made and thank you for reading, I hope this take helps.

Why your girlfriend is jealous of the girls you're friends with
22 Opinion