Self-Pity Only Equates To Wasted Time


Self-Pity Only Equates To Wasted Time

A great portion of our lives is wasted worrying about things that will no longer matter, when we are far beyond deceased. We spend a lot of our days, in self doubt, in conflict with ourselves, and with internal pain. We question every minor detail about our appearance, and at times find ourselves comparing who we are to others.

Is that how you choose to spend your very limited time? Although many of us feel we have plenty of time left on Earth, in the essence of it we don't. Our entire lifetime , only makes up a small fragment, in a planet that has existed for billions of years.

Self-Pity Only Equates To Wasted Time

Having swam away from shore, you find yourself drowning in your own sorrows. The more you pick at yourself, the deeper you will sink. You are increasing the negative energy that is flowing through out your body. Like lifeguards, the people in your life try to offer you a floating device but instead of accepting it, you reject it, allowing yourself to drown in your own self pity.

People who drink to drown their sorrows should be told that sorrows know how to swim.

Self-Pity Only Equates To Wasted Time

Where will feeling sorry for yourself get you? No where, because you continue to fall victim to your surroundings. You are left vulnerable in the water, sinking in even deeper. The sharks swim closer to you because they smell their prey. You give up, failing to put up a fight. The creature of the ocean quickly devours you. You are one of lives many meals. This is a land designed for those who have will and power, those who have it, will proceed on.

Self-Pity Only Equates To Wasted Time

Self-Pity Only Equates To Wasted Time

For those who fail to see it, you can live beyond your sorrows.
Although, you are not in control of the course nature takes,
you have the ability to prepare yourself for what is to come.
Each and every one of us has the strength, but often times we are blinded by
our lives difficult past events.
You must face the wrath of the ocean.
Trust me, it will eventually grow calm.
Do not doubt yourself, because there's amazing beauty in us all.
Each and every one of us has strength and power.
It manifests itself differently in every one.
Can you find it?
Can you bring it to light?

Self-Pity Only Equates To Wasted Time

Stop listening to others, and basing your self esteem off of what they say.
For those, who claim they are physically unappealing,
dwelling on a negative self perception will not allow it to be changed.
You will continue to wake up each and every morning,
in the same flesh.
Time is valuable, it's something we can never get back.
Do not waste any more of your energy, crying about all of the things that you feel,
are wrong about yourself.
Instead, bring to surface all of your great attributes and continue to excel on those.
Remind yourself of what you love about you, both on the inside and out every single day.
When you begin to channel your energy into something that is upbeat, and positive
only then will you,
Carry on,
And Survive.

Self-Pity Only Equates To Wasted Time

The strong always face the battle and fight until they conquer, while the weak keep trying to escape every battle until they are defeated.

Self-Pity Only Equates To Wasted Time
14 Opinion