The Gold Digger Phenomenon. Why Its Equally Dependent On Men As It Is On Women.


“Money brings you the women you want, struggle brings you the women you need.”
― Habeeb Akande

Simply put a Gold Digger is a woman who engages in a personal/sexual relationship with men or marry men for their money.

Since the past a set of women have 'given' themselves to the rich and powerful men. They've exsited in the forms of kept women, concubines, mistresses and more recently gold diggers. Also there has been somewhat of an evolution in the social standing of these women, where once women were kept as trophies, their influence slowly spread through the ages to the point where they could influence the minds of men with great power till today where they can literally bleed a man dry.

The Gold Digger Phenomenon. Why Its Equally Dependent On Men As It Is On Women.

Today Gold Digging has become somewhat of a career even, hot young things all over the old, senile but filthy rich.

The Gold Digger Phenomenon. Why Its Equally Dependent On Men As It Is On Women.

Anna Nicole Smith(27) and J. Howard Marshall(90), who, died a year after marrying her in 1994. Perhaps she will remain History's most infamous gold digger with a net worth of over 50 million dollars by the time of her own death in 2007.

The Gold Digger Phenomenon. Why Its Equally Dependent On Men As It Is On Women.

Amy Irving and Steven Spielberg married in 1985 and divorced in 1989, Irving received a $100 million dollar settlement despite the makeshift pre-nup he had her sign on the back of a napkin. She had been a struggling actress when she met him.

The notion set by a few women from the past has now become more widespread now. A significant number of younger women in their early twenties, abandon the propsect of ethical living for easy money. But there is a down side to this, its a rat race, there's only so many people you can swindle before they become wary of the type. A vast majority of these opportunists are just left with dust and broken lives, but they'll recieve no sympathy from anyone.

Don't you think this is a tragedy? Imagine all the things they could and should've been. But the lure of materialism and money will have shattered their lives forever. Shunned by society and never finding the warmth and love they could have had. You can only afford so much slack in life before reality catches upto you.

The Man's Role Here

“When you only define yourself with your money and material things, you would most likely attract some gold diggers. You would think that you are getting into a meaningful relationship with her, but to her, it would only mean another business transaction. In other words, she would only be in it for whatever she could get out of it until everything runs out, and then she would move on to her next victim.

Money attracts people, but not always the right people. Therefore, keep your financial worth and worldly possessions to yourself.”

Yes, Wealth symbolizes a lot of things today. Luxury, Power, Peace, Justice and so on and so forth. What is so attractive about money though that many people find themselves willing to sell their souls for obscene amounts of money?

“While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.” Groucho Marx

Jokes aside, there's a lot of wisdom in that statement. It lets you choose, yes choice is the keyword. Money offers freedom. A lot of money offers a lot of freedom. And if you want to see how crazy, people are about Freedom, just see any great war or revolution about it.

Simply put, a man who has a lot of money simply has more means to enjoy his freedom. And this is particularly attractive to just about anyone, except for the most spiritually liberated.

These women are drawn to such men in the hopes that they can have beter lives and more freedom. But we all know that.

The question is, why do men admit women of such inferior quality into their lives? This I don't understand. They allow themselves to be tricked or do they actually believe a twenty something knowing nothing more than the lust for money is just using them to have her way?

Men too share the blame here, for setting the whole trend off that a woman is only worth her beauty and her performance in his bed. What does this tell us? These men are perhaps shallower than the women who come flocking for their fortune. Any man worth his salt will know his values.

The Gold Digger Phenomenon. Why Its Equally Dependent On Men As It Is On Women.

Uh huh. And...

The Gold Digger Phenomenon. Why Its Equally Dependent On Men As It Is On Women.

Yes. I think I've made my point.

I think if anyone can put a stop to Gold Digging, its the ones who allow it in the first place. But to that end we men can take a valuable lesson here

“Should it happen, that your partner leaves you for someone else with more money. To where later you strike it richer than the person they left you for, and the ex finds out, after losing all and regretting. It was a blessing that it ended. Though money wasn't sufficient then, mostly they were rich with your love, now suffering being broke in both.”
― Anthony Liccione

Thank you for reading. #OnGoldDigging

The Gold Digger Phenomenon. Why Its Equally Dependent On Men As It Is On Women.
22 Opinion