Simple Things To Do That Girls Love

Simple Things To Do That Girls Love

Very short, first myTake happening right now. Just wanted to share a few things that you guys should try with the girl you like or are dating, things that will make a girl fall for you more. Especially considering the rarity of guys doing these.

1. Tickle their back

No not the normal tickling guys think girls like when in all reality we hate it. I'm talking about gentle gliding fingers across the back and neck, or even the underside of the forearm. Do this to the whole back, yes even the very lower back.

2. Scratching the back

While majority of us like our backs "tickled", there are those few that enjoy it scratched instead

3. Playing with their hair

Of course there's those moment when we don't want you touching it, like if we've just spent time doing it or we have someplace to be after. But moments when you're just cuddling and hanging out, perfect opportunity.

And for all the girls reading this, return the favor by scratching and massaging your guys head.

Simple Things To Do That Girls Love
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