The Unspoken Lie: Men, Women Are Gaslighting the Sh*t Out of You.


It took me a long time to figure this out about women, because I didn't have the language skills to express it. And I realized, women could see that I didn't, and actively counted on it.

You see, there is a select subset of women that actively think they are better than you. They're often feminists, sometimes beautiful (though not as beautiful as they think they are) and consistently do not bother to be decent people in other facets of their life. But the one thing they count on, to perpetuate the myth of their own superiority; nay--to even get you to believe in it too--is that you cannot call them on it. And men--I dare you to think back in your life, try and remember if there was a time when you suspected a woman might think she's better than you, perhaps you sat down on a bench and she scooted away, perhaps she spoke to you with a certain tone, shut you down, or tried to avoid conversation with you altogether.

The unspoken lie: Men, women are gaslighting the shit out of you.

But this is the unspoken lie; they know if they have an air of superiority, but never directly mention the fact that they think they're superior, you can never call them on it, and if you do, they can accuse you of being paranoid, or misogynist. You see, narcissism is an epidemic among young women, and even men of the selfie generation. They think that they can judge you unfairly, under ridiculous standards they've never made known to you, under secret rules that exist only in their minds, with secret consequences they can punish you for, that you'll never truly know when its happening in the moment, you'll only suspect. I've seen this too many times, and doubted myself in the moment, only to look deeper, and only in argument with those women in the heat of the moment, will they ever admit the truth--that they think you're pathetic. That they think you're beneath them. Either because they're a woman, and you're a vile pig of a man, or because they think they're pretty, or because they think you think they're pretty. Some have even said the words to me specifically, "I AM better than you." It took a lot to uncover their true face, because they hide behind the unspoken, because they're cowards. They probably don't even consider the justification for their superiority, because these beliefs could never hold up under close scrutiny. And their biggest defense against any kind of scrutiny, is gaslighting the shit out of you.

The Unspoken Lie: Men, Women Are Gaslighting the Sh*t Out of You.

The term gaslighting comes from an old film, where a woman's husband tried to convince her she was going insane, by changing things about her environment, and assuring her that she was just imagining them. And that kind of denial of reality, that makes you question your own perceptions, has been weaponized by women for decades now. And i want to speak up about this poisonous behavior because it cannot go unchallenged anymore, and i know there are men right now experiencing this very behavior, who are doubting themselves, and they shouldn't be. Because they're treating a woman with respect who shouldn't even have basic human decency. Because they have thoughts inside their head, which if spoken aloud, would be wildly abusive to the men in their lives, and are still abusive even if unspoken.

The Unspoken Lie: Men, Women Are Gaslighting the Sh*t Out of You.
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