Signs that a Girl Likes You!


"Does she actually like me?".

It's the age old question that just seems to keep repeating itself over and over again in your mind. This girl is a complete savage. One day, she's head over heels blowing kisses at you, the next, her eyes seem like hardcore laser beams.

She likes you; oh wait, no she doesn't; oh wait, yes she does!

The possibilities are endless.

My job today is to help you distinguish what the possible possibilities are and why she's acting this way. Let us begin.

1. Why is this girl acting so weird? Whenever she sees me walk into a room, she turns her head somewhere else.

Okay, let's begin. First of all, if a girl is turning her head and looking elsewhere when you walking into a room, there are generally two possible reasons:

-You annoy her.

-She likes you.

How do you know if she's annoyed by you? Have you been annoying her? Do you bother her constantly even after she tells you to stop or even after she turns her attention away from you? If you answered yes, you have your answer. If you answered no, read on. If a girl is annoyed with you, she may try to shrug you off completely. She won't look at you ever. She won't turn and look at you at all even if you've been in the room for a very long time.

How do you know if she likes you? Typically, if a girl likes you, she may look at you as you walk into the room, but as soon as she sees you make eye contact or look at her, she will look away rather quickly. She will also look back and forth at you repeatedly.

Signs that a Girl Likes You!

2. This girl that I like never talks to me.

If a girl that you like never talks to you, there are numerous reasons:

-She is irritated by you, she does not have anything to tell you.

-She is very shy but likes you.

-She does not want to seem random but likes you.

-She wants you to approach her but likes you.

-You did something to get her angry and she doesn't like you.

-You did something to get her angry but she likes you.

How do you know if she is irritated by you and she does not have anything to tell you? Simple. Did you do something to annoy her? If yes, there's your answer. If no, read on. She may just be stuck up. Who knows?

How do you know if she is shy but likes you? If a girl is shy and she likes you, it will be EXTREMELY HARD to differ her feelings towards you with those that she harbors for others. If a girl is shy but likes you, she won't talk to you and she probably won't talk to others either. You will have to be extremely perceptive and notice her body language. I will write more about body language later on.

How do you know if she does not want to seem random but likes you? This next one probably doesn't seem to make sense to other people. I have this crazy problem. I am extremely nervous of coming off as annoying or of seeming random. By random, what I mean basically is, I don't want to say something stupid. If a girl likes you and doesn't want to seem random, her body language will display it. She will also be able to talk to you if you start the conversation. She may or may not act all gushy. Some girls are just hard to read.

How do you know if she wants you to approach her but likes you? Many girls are really nervous when it comes to the guys that they have the hots for. That's a really good thing though, because that means that she really likes you. Grab your balloons and just go talk to the girl. She will appreciate it.

How do you know if she's mad at you and doesn't like you? A girl that is mad at you and doesn't like you will act really cold usually, or perhaps even mean. She won't get over it quickly and will completely brush you off.

How do you know if she's mad at you but likes you? If a girl is mad at you but she likes you, she may act cold, however, when you're not looking at her, she'll be looking at you. She may be mad at you at first, but eventually, she'll get over it. That's the type of girl that you need, boys!

Signs that a Girl Likes You!

3. What body language would a girl that likes you exhibit?

If a girl likes you:

1. She will have open body language. Her arms will not be crossed.

2. She will have her legs crossed towards you.

3. She will touch her thighs a lot.

4. She will play with her hair a lot.

5. She will flip her hair a lot.

6. You may notice her playing with her bra strap around you.

7. She will touch her lips a lot, maybe lick or bite them.

8. She will laugh at your jokes even if they don't seem funny.

9. Notice if before she sees you, she's grooming herself. For example, if she goes to the bathroom before the class you have with her or if she looks in a mirror when you're in close proximity.

10. She might bite her nails.

11. Her feet will be pointed towards you.

12. She will adjust her jewelry around you.

13. She will fiddle with little things nearby.

14. Her body will be angled towards you.

15. When you look into her eyes, she may either look really deep into them.

16. When you look into her eyes, she may look away quickly. Check if she looks back at you.

17. She may look you up and down.

18. She will giggle a lot around you.

19. She may try and get you jealous by talking or laughing with other guys.

20. She will blush a lot around you.

21. She may get louder around you if she's quiet.

22. She may get quiet around you if she's loud.

Signs that a Girl Likes You!

4. What do these body language signs mean?

Body language signs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 20 are done unconsciously.

Body language signs 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, and 22 are done consciously.

They are all good indications that she likes you. However, at least about 6 of these should be present.

I hope that this article helps you. Get ready for Part 2, which will be coming soon!

This is accurate.

Signs that a Girl Likes You!

Signs that a Girl Likes You!
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