Should I give my ex girlfriend another chance?

So I dated this girl for 3 months and there was this guy that was always texting and snapchatting her. She said they were just friends of course and I didn't really mind the first couple months but then she started acting shady and distant. I knew there was something up with her and him and it made me mad because I told her she was disrespecting me by talking to a guy that she knows likes her everyday. So I broke up with her over it and she always insisted they were friends but she made out with him the same night after I broke up with her! So I went no contact with her and she came crawling back saying she never wanted him and we have been hanging out again but its hard to trust her. She blocked him on snapchat and on her phone so she seems serious about wanting us to work I just don't know if I should give it another chance or not? I want to try but whats to stop her from doing the same thing as soon as there's a problem in our relationship? I know she still really likes me I just felt disrespected
Should I give my ex girlfriend another chance?
3 Opinion