Why do people seem to avoid me?

Ok, serious question. Why do people seem to avoid me, guys in particular? I have a few good friends, but most girls, especially those who've known me a long time, don't like me or start to avoid me (especially once they get boyfriends). I admit that I'm not super outgoing; I have what's known as 'resting bitch face', but I do try to be friendly to everyone, give everyone a fair chance, and I think I'm a pretty nice considerate person. I am shy, quiet, and tend to listen more than I talk, but I can be an extrovert when I'm in the mood. People have told me repeatedly I don't smile enough, that I'm super serious, mature, and 'wise beyond my years'. I've never been the one that has a huge group of friends, and I've never been the girl that guys approach. Mostly, I get stared at a lot, but the amount of guys that actually dare to approach me is miniscule at best. I get tired of being the one who has to make all the effort and initiate things. I'm not a bitch, I'm not ugly, and I have a nice body and personality, but maybe I'm not seen as approachable? Is there a way to get out of this rut I seem to be in? I would especially like a guy's take on this, but a girl's opinion is welcome as well.
Why do people seem to avoid me?
2 Opinion