What does a firm handshake from a girl indicates?

So I like this girl, we've known each other for about 2 months. She is the shy type (maybe too shy when she is with me) but we do talk a lot, make a lot of eye contact (almost like staring), she is always smiling when I talk to her and if we get too silent, she will try to bring something up to talk about. She isn't too big on the "being touchy feely" department. I gave her a half hug once and she kinda pulled away from me so I just thought she was uncomfortable. I try to avoid any contact just to not make her uncomfortable but sometimes our hands will touch and I pull away quickly and she'll start giggling. One time we got into an argument and we weren't talking for like a day but we both knew it was silly so I went up to her and as soon as she heard me she had this big smile on her face and I told her I was sorry and I stuck out my hand to give her a handshake and well, to my surprise (her being 5 feet tall and 110 lbs) she gave me a pretty firm handshake haha, does the grip mean anything at all? I would think if she was disgusted by me she wouldn't really shake my hand, but she gave it quite a shake there lol.
What does a firm handshake from a girl indicates?
4 Opinion