Dream Interpretation: My boyfriend had a baby with his ex and never told me?

I just had a dream that my boyfriend had a baby with his ex, not while we were together but in general

He learned about it and was ranting about it on Facebook but it was indirectly like "i can't believe shed do that to me" instead of blant. Apparently the only person that knew was our friend Becky

I was reading the Facebook status and since it was in code I didn't know, but I was aware I was having the dream so I knew what the status meant or what it could have meant.

I mean I guess I don't really know what the status was about but every fiber of me knew it was something about his ex and a baby. I told him about the dream and he just said it was "weird"

What can it be about?
Dream Interpretation: My boyfriend had a baby with his ex and never told me?
4 Opinion