If my girlfriend hasn't had sex with me for over a month how much longer should I wait before I dump her?

because this is getting ridiculous...and the worst part is that I've not been intimate with her so long that I almost don't even want to have sex with her anymore. Whenever I think about a girl sexually it's always someone other than my girlfriend. I just feel like she doesn't want to have sex with me and I don't even like the idea of having sex with a girl that doesn't want to, so now it's at the point that she turned me off from her
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Most Helpful Girls

  • If you were sexually active before and she suddenly stopped, then something is definitely up.

    Have you actually tried talking to her about it? How long have you been in this relationship? Do you care enough to find out and work on things?

    Sexual compatibility in a relationship is just as important as emotional. If needs aren't met, you're going to be miserable and that kind of defeats the point of being in a relationship.

    Anyone attacking you for being sexually rejected and upset clearly have zero to no sex drive, if they see your desire as such a huge offence.

    You are not a scummy person for wanting your needs to be met. I'd say you'd be pretty scummy, if you were going out with the girl for a long time and didn't want to resolve the issue as soon as the sec tap was closed.

    If she stopped having sex with you a few months into the relationship, I suspect she might be one of the manipulative types. If you've been going out for more than a year, I'd suggest trying to figure out what's happening with her.

    My sex drive has hit rock bottom when I went into full depression mode back in September and so did my boyfriend's.

    Talking things through helps A LOT.

  • Have you stopped to think that maybe something happened to turn her off from you? Girls don't just dry up over night and decide they won't have sex anymore. Maybe there was something about the sex with you that wasn't enjoyable for her and she dosen't know how to tell you. Maybe there is something about your relationship she isn't happy with and thinks not having sex will fix it. Or maybe is something else going on in her life that is keeping her from wanting sex.

    Don't just dump her because your frustrated. Talk to her and figure out what is going on. There has got to be a reason why this is happening so figure out what it is and see if there is a solution.

    • Any woman who tries to FIX a relationship by NOT having sex is clearly a moron. That's just a surefire way to convince a man that you are cheating on him.

    • "That's just a surefire way to convince a man that you are cheating on him" maybe she has emotional problems, maybe she has a valid reason not to have sex and he just hasn;t taken the time to find out yet. Maybe she feels like you only want her for sex, so she is with-holding from it to see if you have real feelings for her

  • Have you sat down and talked to her?

    There could be a reason why she does not want to get that initmate but because you have not given her to an opening to talk to you and she maybe scared about opening up.

    I would sit down and talk to her 1st if you care about her and have feelings for her. Communication is key in a relationship.

    If you feel that you don't like her anymore then I would say the sooner the better. The longer you wait ther harder it will be and the more hurt that you will cause.

Most Helpful Guys

  • When I read the first part of the question, I almost thought you were about 16/17. Are you serious? Is that the only reason you're in the relationship, as it sounds like it is. AND you're fantasizing about other girls?! You're better off without each other, in that case. You are definitely not ready for this person, especially since you can't seem to communicate with her. If you're ever thinking of getting married, dude, you better improve for sure!

    • I'm not thinking of marriage, especially not with this one...

  • How old is this relationship? If it's over a year, I would try to talk it out.

    Less, immediate dumpage.

    • Accurate, too the point, and well said.

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  • have you asked her what's wrong? Have you been together along time? Is your sexlife boring and routine? If you were doing it all the time, I would be quite concerned. Me and mine both work, so we make it a point to have up close and personal time at least once a week.

  • Just dump her and move on.

  • if your relationship was that dependent on sex.

    break up with her and do her a favor.

    your a jerk.

    she could be going through something you have no idea about

    honestly just do her the favor.

  • Well, she's probably getting it from somewhere else. Look out for signs that she might be cheating on you. Of course, you should just ask her what the f*** is going on. Maybe you forgot her birthday or something.

    But you are definitely not immature. Don't listen to any of these stupid women. Sex is a crucial part of any healthy relationship, and a month is a LONG time.

    But no, I wouldn't just dump her until I had a better idea what was going on. Who knows, you might have f***ed up really badly. Think--when is your anniversary? Her birthday? I can't think of any other meaningful dates, but you know how women are. There could be some seemingly inconsequential detail that you have been overlooking that has caused that sh*t to dry up like the Sahara.

    • Me and my girlfriend have not had sex in like 5 months! She complains I am to large in the downstairs department, but I wouldn’t say I am overly big. I’ve tried talking to her time and time again n it’s always the same response, I’m not sure what to do because it went from everyday but only once a day because she complained it hurt to once a week to then once a month then there’s a couple month gap then it was like 3 month, then 6 then after that 6 month period we did it once n now it’s been about 5 months. What do I do?

  • You're a dick. Do her a favor and break up with her because you don't deserve her.

    • Fuck you, idiot. You're probably one of those stupid feminists that withhold sex to punish a man, aren't you? You hold it over his head like he's some sort of f***ing dog. There is clearly an issue here. One week is fine, but a month is an entirely different issue. If that's how long you go between sex, now I understand why you're so bitter. Nobody likes you!

    • Females like you should wear a sign of some sort, so decent guys don't wast any time.

    • If I were stupid, I would be a feminist. I respect men, but not men who fantasize about other girls just because they're not getting any. Your logic is: she won't f*** me, so I'm going to dump her.

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  • If you dump her you're a complete scumbag. Because a girl actually has emotions unlike you. You're a piece of shit and she deserves better, because you were obviously only after sex. So tell her you're dumping her because you were only after sex and make sure you tell her she deserves so much better because you don't deserve her.

    • There is definitely more to the story than that. What are the reasons why she stopped? Why is she completely refusing, if they were sexually active before? She has the right to not have sex, but he also has the right to feel rejected and unloved. Should this question have been posted by a girl, your comment would be vastly different. You can't just assume he only wanted sex, when there is no back story what so ever. Also, there is nothing scummy about splitting with a sexually incompatible partner. If he wants sex and she doesn't - both will be miserable in the relationship. You have a very one-sided approach to things, you should probably refrain from giving advice.

  • If she doesn't want u ur doing something wrong maybe u should be more worried about her leaving

  • don't just dump her. that makes you look like an ass. see what's wrong. maybe you're just not satisfying her. ;)

  • Me and my girlfriend have not had sex in like 5 months! She complains I am to large in the downstairs department, but I wouldn’t say I am overly big. I’ve tried talking to her time and time again n it’s always the same response, I’m not sure what to do because it went from everyday but only once a day because she complained it hurt to once a week to then once a month then there’s a couple month gap then it was like 3 month, then 6 then after that 6 month period we did it once n now it’s been about 5 months. What do I do? Like we are still fairly young I’m 17 and she’s 18 n we don’t have any responsibilities like neither of us have a job and we both still live with parents with me sleeping at hers at the weekend. So does anyone know what could be wrong?

  • Do you really love her ? Because it seems as if you have no intention of finding out why she doesn't want to have sex with you. Break up if you've never even thought about the reason why

  • that's a real dick move dumping her just because you haven't had sex in a month

  • So I'm assuming you guys were having sex before.

    What happened to make her stop having sex with you? Women have sex drives just like men and I can't imagine not f***ing my man on the regular unless he really did something to hurt me and then I just couldn't emotionally do it anymore. Before you dump her COMMUNICATE. Both of you should communicate what the issue is. If you ask her maybe you can get to the root of the problem before you just end it like that.