Does anyone live with an elderly person? My grandma annoys me..

My grandma is 83 and is loosing her mind, she leaves the water running, she is always burning things in the kitchen... she takes forever to shop for groceries... and she is always in the way... she will just stand in the bathroom... in front of the fridge , In front of the washing machine... then when I try to walk around her she screams like she just saw a ghost. I love my grandma but if my dog were acting this way way I'd put him down... just to end his suffering... I feel like humans just cling on to life... My grandma is on dozens of pills... and is always having surgeries to fix her deteriorating body... I really hope I die when I am in my 40's or 50's. There is nothing wrong with death, why do we cling on for so long? Why can't we accept our fate?

I think if people had to live with someone like my grandma they would understand how I feel...
Does anyone live with an elderly person? My grandma annoys me..
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