The Domino Effect (Hostile Online Comments)


The Domino Effect (Hostile Online Comments)

Lets stand 20 domino pieces up.

Now lets align them in a straight row.

Lets push the first one with our finger….


Wow, that was a loud sound!

What happened?

Did one piece make all of the dominoes fall down?

I notice the exact same thing happens when it comes to online commenting.

Why is it that when one user is so hateful and bashful,

A lot of the comments behind that person tends

to take on the same tone?

It’s almost as if many of us forgot how to be leaders and instead

take the place of a follower.

Do you know the strength and courage the historic people in our past times had?

Do you know much influential people exist in this day and age,

that are still molding our society towards better?

Leaders didn’t get heard by being in silence.

They also didn’t get heard by following everyone else.

They set their own path.

They had their own voice.

The voice that they used wasn’t hateful and didn’t bash others.

Don’t get me wrong,

these leaders didn’t agree with all that was happening,

that is why they wanted to make a change.

But what made these leaders so important and effective is that,

they maintained their composure and gave constructive criticism.

They helped others see things in a light they never saw before.

They didn’t try to tear others down and spread hatred.

They sent messages of love, honor, and respect.

When you’re not being hateful, chances are people will really hear your message.

If you’re being hateful the message is lost in all of the obscene words that you are using.

Express yourself without being condescending or having mimicked someone else.

You have the ability to formulate thoughts and a structure of your own.

The Domino Effect (Hostile Online Comments)

"The Domino effect" is an analogy that can be applied to many instances in life such as

(real life) bullying.

Take on your own mold!

You can spread words and knowledge that are powerful enough to reach another,

without being hostile.

The Domino Effect (Hostile Online Comments)

The Domino Effect (Hostile Online Comments)
6 Opinion