We're ALWAYS listening


We're ALWAYS listening

Not many of you know me, so please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Diogo and I'm the Product Manager at GirlsAskGuys. I'll be around a lot more collecting feedback from you and communicating the changes we make.

One of the great things about GirlsAskGuys is our community that is very engaged not only in helping people out when they ask a question, but also with the product itself.

This is why after the latest updates, we listened. Well, actually we read several Questions and myTakes like these:

Do you like the new GAG format?, asked by an anonymous user.

Why Removing The Downvote Button Was a (For the Most Part) Bad Idea, shared by @RainbowFanGirl.

GAG has changed. Did you like it?, asked by @emotional_passion.

G@G updates review: January, shared by @YourFutureEx.

And after some careful consideration of every concern and opinion you voiced, this is what we did:

1. Enough with the hearts

We're ALWAYS listening

We heard that one, loud and clear... You didn't like the hearts. Some people considered it tacky while others simply thought it represented too much of a commitment to that simple action of "liking" something.

2. Here, take a thumbs up

We're ALWAYS listening

Our plan B was to use a symbol as universal as the heart for the like: a thumbs up. We know it's being used in several places out there, but for some things, the more obvious, the better.

3. The downvote conundrum

We're ALWAYS listening

As we stated when launching the like feature, the idea was not only to encourage positivity in the community, but also coming up with a single, comprehensive and intuitive action that could be used to express agreement or simply to say thank you everywhere, on Questions, myTakes and Opinions.

This is why, at this point, we're not reintroducing the downvotes or anything similar. But GirlsAskGuys is young and constantly evolving, so nothing is definitive.

4. Too many terms for different things

We're ALWAYS listening

We also took this opportunity to change the labels for some of the most common actions around here. Having and sharing an Opinion is part of our DNA, so that will remain as it is, but Comments and Replies were basically the same thing and we opted to keep "Reply" as the word for that action.

5. A clear mobile interface and other adjustments

We're ALWAYS listening

We also put a lot of effort into making the mobile interface more intuitive and easier to use by reviewing spacing between the icons, adding text labels and several other small things.

That's it. Thanks for all the feedback and thanks for caring enough to speak up. You girls and guys are awesome!

We're ALWAYS listening
36 Opinion