Calling All Writers, Creative Individuals, and Those Who Wanna Be Heard

Calling All Writers, Creative Individuals, and Those Who Wanna Be Heard

You've got something to say and you want lots and lots of people to see it.

You can put it on your Facebook page, I suppose. So okay, friends and family can see it but that's about it. You can try to produce something for BuzzFeed or Cracked but even after it's posted, you're competing against eight trillion other posts and chances are, about three people will see yours. You can go for the upper digital echelon and try to get published at places like the Huffington Post and Elite Daily, but their requirements are getting stricter by the minute and amateurs likely won't have a shot.

Calling All Writers, Creative Individuals, and Those Who Wanna Be Heard

So, what's left?

Why, GirlsAskGuys, of course. If you're going to - or are already in - school for journalism, creative writing, or some form of digital production, you could use an outlet to hone your craft. Here, you write as much as you like; just sign up, go to Post on the top of the screen, and hit "Share myTake." That's it. But here's the best part:

You will "level up" the better you perform. You can earn experience (we call it XPER) and gain levels, and you might even become an Editor! You will get comments and feedback on your work from the GaG community, and you will even get some instruction from our Content Manager (that would be me). I can help you create awesome content that will be Promoted and even Featured, and don't forget that most Promoted material here ends up on our Facebook and Twitter pages, too, where thousands more can see your stuff.

We'll be doing more contests as well (here are the winners of our last contest) and you could even win Amazon Gift Cards! It's all about getting better and being rewarded for your efforts.

Calling All Writers, Creative Individuals, and Those Who Wanna Be Heard

Of course, you can also ask Questions, start Polls, and interact with the rest of the growing community. Once you start, you might not be able to stop...and that's not a bad thing. ;) Bottom line is, where else can you find a good-sized platform that lets you produce just about anything you like - within reason; check our guidelines - AND gives you feedback and instruction for free? It's perfect for all you young people who have a lot to say. You could be the next great online content producer and we'd love it if you started right here.

Want to learn more? Well, just sign up and start writing and see how it works! And feel free to check out our FAQ page, too.

Calling All Writers, Creative Individuals, and Those Who Wanna Be Heard
16 Opinion