Blonde Hair, Brown Hair, Orange Hair...Who Cares?!


Recently, I have seen multiple questions regarding blondes that are very negative. Every person has a hair color and blonde just so happens to be mine. I'm not writing this to tell you blondes are superior in everything but instead to say hair color means absolutely nothing. A hair color doesn't make someone easy/a challenge, stupid/smart, untrustworthy/trustworthy or pretty/ugly.

blonde hair, brown hair, orange hair, WHO CARES

People are always so judgmental about the outer appearance and make generalizations for some reason. Maybe somebody previously hurt them, are jealous, or are just not a pleasant person, but for whatever reason, it is not right. A person could be the sweetest, most intelligent, and humorous person just as much as someone could be trashy, stupid and mean but that has nothing to do with their physical attributes.

When someone changes their hair color does that change their personality? When a blonde dyes her hair brunette does that mean she's not a slut anymore? The stereotypes are just ridiculous

and i don't think people realize how absurd they sound by saying "blondes are untrustworthy" or "sluts".

Blonde Hair, Brown Hair, Orange Hair...Who Cares?!

Its completely fine if blondes are not your type, once again, I'm not trying to make everyone think they're the best. This take doesn't even have anything to do with thinking they're attractive, but not judging them off of senseless stereotypes. My point is to inform people that physical attributes shouldn't put people into categories or make one hair/eye/skin color superior to the other.

Any person that would completely judge someone on their physical attributes is just shallow and ignorant.

Blonde Hair, Brown Hair, Orange Hair...Who Cares?!
10 Opinion