Wondering Why You're Not Getting Many Opinions on Your Question?

Wondering Why You're Not Getting Many Opinions on Your Question?

Many times I see a question that I actually want to answer, but then I open it up and I see a pool of words. Within the first 50 word sentence I find the spelling errors that tick me off the most. So I'm going to tell you how you can get people to read and answer your questions.

1st step. The Title. GAG tells us to make it catchy, but spelling mistakes are not the good kind of catchy. Keep your question short, you have an entire description box to go into detail. If you have multiple questions you want to put in one then choose the most important one, then ask the rest in the description.

2nd Step. Your, you're, there, their, they're, two, to, too.

I would like to break these down for you, so those who don't know the correct use, will know:

Your- personalization. That is your chair.

You're - shortened version of you are. I don't know what you're doing.

There- place or position. Your phone is over there.

Their- belonging to or associated with someone. No, that's their phone.

They're - short for they are. They're going to get my phone.

Two- this is a number. There are two people in the car.

To- used for expressing motion. I'm walking to the car.

Too- in addition - I'm going to the car too.

Wondering Why You're Not Getting Many Opinions on Your Question?

3rd step. . , ! ? ( )

Just use punctuation, grammar and paragraphs please, it makes everything so much easier to read.

Wondering Why You're Not Getting Many Opinions on Your Question?

Final step . Proofread and edit .

I believe it speaks for itself .

Wondering Why You're Not Getting Many Opinions on Your Question?
Wondering Why You're Not Getting Many Opinions on Your Question?
13 Opinion