The G@g conspiracy theory: True reason why alphas bid goodbye to this site!


It all started with consultant's deactivation. Then few other inconsequential gagers left.

This site is shaken through and through by departure of 3 alphas/jocks/bodybuilders of g@g, around same time. We know who they are. Fearless banana, Polocrew and Hulksmash.

I admit that all 3 were kinda....err...mean but they were fun. They (especially former 2) kept g@g fun and entertaining. We all knew they were trolling. We hated them but we enjoyed their cockiness secretly.

I am seeing many questions to ask why they left. G@gers want to know the truth. I am here tempted to throw "You can't handle the truth" on their faces but I won't.

Because I have answers to their questions.

So g@gers, brace yourself for the shocking revelation that will follow

The G@g conspiracy theory: True reason why alphas bid goodbye to this site!

Unwinding the theory:

G@gers, don't you find it weird that all these alphas deactivated around same time?

That all of them dissed members on this site as nerds or something else?

That all of them hated feminists?

That all of them were obsessed with worki out? I don't know about hulk but other two had apparently ripped bodies.

That none of them gave sensible advice (very rarely)

This all points only to one answer. That being.....

That all three were same person!

It fits and answers all questions I posed above.

Now the question is,

What made them deactivate?

About banana, the rumor around g@g is that someone stalked him real bad and posted on his Facebook and all that.

Do you really think that "fearless" banana is that chicken hearted that he'll deactivate just because of some "basement dwelling" stalker? No. There's more to it. Now that I have established the fact that '3 gone alphas' were same person , matters get murkier. To get to know more, read on.

Then what actually must have happened?

Probably it was banana who handled other two accounts. His stalker came to know about his these two other accounts. He blackmailed him to expose him. It would have ruined his rep. If this came out on social media, it could ruin his chances at decent job or internship. Because employers are pesky beings. There's a possibility that said anon asked for 'noodz' to banana. As a result, he deactivated. Then the blackmailer anon threatened to call out his other two accounts with proof. That's when other two accounts were deactivated. To get out of situation. The blackmailer can do much damage now.

G@gers, this is how alphas left the g@g

The G@g conspiracy theory: True reason why alphas bid goodbye to this site!

G@g will never be same without these 3, oops one person who handled 3 accounts.

PS:This is a satire, inspired by questions about these users and answers to them .

I dedicate this take to conspiracy theorists😂😂.

#dicksoutforgagalphas #conspiracytheory

The G@g conspiracy theory: True reason why alphas bid goodbye to this site!
6 Opinion