A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG


Do you want to be good at GaG? Do you want to get many GaG women/men? Do you want to be spammed with nudes? Do you want to be popular on the internet? Well behold this very cool and totally legit guide on how to do so.

1. Have a cool or funny username

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

Don't have a lame username, nobody likes those. Make a cool username like xXxPussySlayer69xXx, that is pretty cool right there and that is a named to be feared in a community, that username will get you all sorts of attention.

2. Don't fall for bad trolls

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

The last thing you want to do is fall for a bad troll, you will look like a huge ass idiot in front of everyone and that's not how you get internet famous. First you need to identify if it's a bad troll.

1. Is the person blue anon or pink anon? If yes there's a good chance he or she may be a bad troll.

2. Is the scenario really stupid or unrealistic? Do you think it's not believable? If yes then probably a bad troll.

3. Do you think the person has little to no friends? If yes then probably a bad troll.

Now that you have identified the troll, call that person out for being a bad troll and add a witty comment. This will definitely make you more popular.

3. Be a good troll

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

Don't be a bad troll, be one that is at least funny and people will get a laugh out of it. The last thing you want is enemies and people may send you the wrong kind of messages, definitely no nudes will be sent. Being a good troll is definitely a good thing, especially if it's tasteful.

4. Be funny

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

Don't be a boring asshole that is super stale that nobody wants to be around. Tell jokes, make fun of stupid people, be really witty and most importantly be likable when telling jokes. This right here will get you internet popularity in no time.

5. Be attractive if you aren't funny

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

Not everybody can be funny, I get that, so at least be good looking. It really benefits you if you are attractive and it makes it much easier to get popular. If you're unattractive and not funny then you may want to consider plastic surgery. I know it's expensive but it is worth it to become popular on the internet.

6. Don't be stupid

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

Fact check the shit you're writing about, it's as simple as that. You don't want to look like an idiot while writing shit down on the internet because once it's on GaG you can't take it back.

7. Get to know the community

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

You can get all the up votes you want but what's important is getting to know people in GaG, you need to know who you're dealing with. Try to find the cool group in here and befriend them, your popularity will rise in no time.

8. Act like you don't care

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

Everybody likes people who don't care, it reminds people that being goth and really depressing is still cool. This will get guys hard and girls wet, I guarantee that.

9. But don't be too depressing

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

Nobody likes a really sad and depressing person who sulks around, you gotta be happy sometimes while keeping the fact that you don't care.

10. Don't be creepy as fuck

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

Nobody likes unsolicited creepy messages or weird naked pictures that aren't wanted by anybody. The trick here is to get rid of your horny thoughts permanently and stop being a person that nobody likes to be around because you always have your dick out. Seriously it will work wonders.

11. Have good grammar and spelling

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

Seriously if you still spell like you're a five year old on a computer then I don't think you deserve to sit on the GaG throne. If possible get English lessons and this will help immensely.

12. Be savage when needed

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG

See somebody being an asshole or stupid? See a bad troll or just bad person in general? Be savage as fuck and people will respect the fuck out of that. Show them your inner dark side.

Following this guide will for sure get you popularity in no time and you will be liked by all.

Remember that this guide is totally not a joke and if you disagree well....

A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG
A Hitchhiker's Guide To GaG
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