Why do men no longer think women are worth it?


Why do men no longer think women are worth it?

It is so sad when I see the lack of respect men have toward women and sadder to see that society itself seems to encourage women to lower their standards or to not respect themselves either. I find it deeply disturbing when I hear things like the news that my fifteen year old cousin got a girl pregnant (kept it secret) and she just had the baby, so now he is considering dropping out of school to be able to take care of them. This is just one example of the crazy stuff happening in the world today.

As a society we have gone from one extreme to the next. From extremely conservative and traditional, to barely any sense of values and right/wrong. Men used to be required to court women for months, the holding of hands was almost unheard of and a kiss before marriage? Outrageous!! Nowadays, men expect the women to put all their cards on the table, and I mean all... after a few dates. Like what the hell! I have a million questions pertaining to this, but I'll just list a few

  • Why do men believe something is wrong with having a relationship that would not include sex unless they get married?

  • Why are virgins looked down upon, being a woman's first is no longer a good thing?

  • Why is chivalry as good as dead?

  • What happened to proving yourself to the woman, proving that you are really interested in her?

  • Why are women so highly dispensible to men?

Long and short of the story is I want to know why do men seem to no longer believe a good woman is worth fighting for or worth going through desert storms and pouring rain for... Why is quitting so easy now? To me the situation seems to be getting worse and worse for women. Personally, knowing that most men are like this just makes me believe a woman who finds a true gentleman in this day and age is devinely blessed. I am more of a traditional thinker... and I wish someone could help me understand this saddening phenomenon.

Why do men no longer think women are worth it?
132 Opinion