Ladies: Are You On A Date OR Just Hanging Out?


Hi Ladies, this one is for you. I'm writing this because as a gent from ano9ther generation, where dating or sking a lady out on a date was clear, there was rarely any confusion on if a guy liked you romantically. Of course now when people go out together you're never really sure of that 'grey area' which covers 'slightly interested to just friends'. So I think if you really want to be sure if the guy you're with considers you his 'date' a few tell tale signs, even in this generation should assure you that you're out on a date not just hanging out.

If he asks you.

- it doesn't matter if he asked you to chill or hang out or take a walk or meet him at the gym, whatever the case if he is initiating, then him making the move means he's into you otherwise guys really don't bother.

Ladies: Are You On A Date OR Just Hanging Out?

He offers to pick you up instead of meeting somewhere.

- Think of the knight in shining armour cliche - even 500 years ago men who were romantically involved with women picked up their paramours - even if it was horseback. Centuries later the gesture is an empty really as most women have a way to get around, but it's the point that he can come get you, on his ride that's telling.

Ladies: Are You On A Date OR Just Hanging Out?

He gives you a compliment.

- When you first see each other on your outing, if he makes a point to tell you 'you look great' then he is vizualizing you in a romantic if not totally sexual. It means he notices that you are attractive and the only logic behind that is that he wants to be with you in some way - so with that attention you know you're being singled out and not just hanging out.

Ladies: Are You On A Date OR Just Hanging Out?

He pays.

- If a guy pays, it's almost 100% sure he is staking his claim on you, and wants you to know he is taking care of you. If he is taking the lead in this situation it means he wants to treat you like a lady and make sure that you know it. Also opening doors and pulling out chairs, or putting you first in any way means he thinks of you as a 'date' and want to impress you.

Ladies: Are You On A Date OR Just Hanging Out?

His phone is off.

- Undivided atttention is a rare commodity these days - if he turns it off or puts it away it means he is focusing on you and your time together - hardly a move to make if you're just hanging out.

Ladies: Are You On A Date OR Just Hanging Out?

He drops you off or makes sure you got home.

- It means he wants to leave a lasting impression, spend the last possible moment with you until the date is over, maybe get a goodbye hug or kiss or a smile or an agreement on the next time to meet. That is definitely a sign you got him hooked.

Ladies: Are You On A Date OR Just Hanging Out?

Hope these little signs and tells give him away so you can feel more confident that you're out on a date like you want to be, and not just hanging out.

Any other signs guys that we give to help the ladies out?

Ladies: Are You On A Date OR Just Hanging Out?
8 Opinion