Why did he block me?

I met this guy on tinder. We went for coffee, smoked after everything was fine he didn't even try to kiss me. He was very sweet and even invited me to go on a trip to Vegas he was going on. The next time we saw each other he invited me to go to the club w him and his friends, we went and had fun - after we smoked w his brother and friend and I was tired and ended up spending the night. We didn't do anything and he was sweet when with me w his friends- his brother followed me on Instagram the next day. He did want to do something that night but I said no and that was that. The next morning he took me home we got Starbucks before and I texted him later asking what he was doing. He didn't reply but he was snapchatting me and liking my pic I posted on Instagram so I texted him the next day - he replied and we had a short convo that I ended early. Few days later I see he's in Vegas on snapchat and sent him a joking snap saying I love when people invite me places and then don't come through. Then the next time I looked on whatsapp I noticed he blocked me and also deleted me off snapchat. He didn't unfollow me from Instagram but I'm not sure if he just didn't notice but I think he would've - I haven't posted a pic since then so I don't know if he's noticed or will like it or what.. But why would he block me? I liked him and thought he liked me and was really left confused after that. Any idea why or is there no explanation? I hate when guys play games like this if he was like this I don't understand why he would act so sweet even the night we went out he was telling me in front of his bro and his friends that he wanted me to meet his father the next day.
Why did he block me?
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