Broad Shoulders on a girl?

It's kinda my one insecurity and one I can do nothing about. I just have kinda broad shoulders. Broader than some guys even. Big boobs on top of that and it just makes me look very top heavy and masculine.
I used to cry about it but now I'm usually fine with it. It's just sometimes someone points it out saying I got have big shoulders "athletic" shoulders. Which I guess is kinda true I think I did get them from rowing and swimming growing up. But it just hurts every time someone does that

I try to be as fat-less as possible because when I do gain weight I gain it first on my upper body. My boobs but also my shoulder and back.
So I'm thin but my shoulder are very broad compared to my hips. Like this

And I've never had a boyfriend either, even though I would have wanted to. So I don't know I guess what I'm wondering is, is that look to masculine for most guys?
Is it attractive at all?
Broad Shoulders on a girl?
7 Opinion