My guy friend is always touching me?

We're both seniors in high school and everyday after one of our classes my guy friend who Im still not to sure how I completely feel about him will always wrap both his arms around my neck and shoulders when we are walking or if I'm just standing around he will come up behind me and drape his arms around my shoulders and/or neck, he is always touching me, even if he just keeps brushing his arm against mine. He is always giving his other "girl" friends hugs and stuff but he touches me more than any of them. I know that it's a sign of affection and all, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions because he is always telling me things like he isn't looking for a relationship and he wants to wait to find someone he loves blah blah blah. But that's really all he does. Every time we say each other we will say hi, but I have never caught him full out staring at me or anything, and he has always told me, he has no one to impress here.
My guy friend is always touching me?
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