Why are virgins frowned upon?

Why do guys dislike virgins? When you're a virgin at 20 people seem to find that weird, it's as though you carry a disease of some sort. Ever since girls started whoring around guys suddenly felt like they owned the world claiming that they wouldn't date someone inexperienced, thus is a tactic to lure girls into sleeping around and it's actually working. What's so wrong with being a virgin and why are people hating on them? It's all so stupid.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Guys that only want sex may not like virgins because they are looking for an easy lay. This is going to represent a large number of the guys you are talking about.

    Also guys that openly admit to preferring virgins actually get verbally attacked and accused of not being a real man, or being insecure in bed, or of slut shaming. So a lot of guys that do prefer virgins keep their mouths shut after learning their lesson about being honest.

    Most guys that want to get married are typcially going to prefer a virgin because her views on sex mean she is less likely to cheat, and thereby be less likely to trick him into rasing another man's child. Women don't have to worry about being tricked into raisng another woman's child which is why they are more likley to want to marry man whores. This is why it is easier for a man to get married that sleeps around than for a woman to get married if she sleeps around. This is also why it is far worse to be a male virgin than a female virgin.

    • "So a lot of guys that do prefer virgins keep their mouths shut after learning their lesson about being honest" lol soo fucking true, especially on this site :D

  • Male virgins are frowned upon because it shows he is not desirable. From a biological perspective men are meant to spread their seeds, while women are meant to to be selective in their partner. A male who fails at getting tail is frowned upon because it shows he lacks the ability to attract opposite gender.

    On the flip side women can get sex on tap. Having sex with bunch of guys is not looked at as an accomplishment because it is so easy for girls. In addition a woman's worth in the dating game is linked not only to her beauty but how exclusive/selective she is in giving out sex. If she gives it out to anyone then she her worth goes down because she is easy and many guys have sampled her.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Why are who what? Last time I checked were usually not the ones that are. If anything 're honored by some people like it's super special or the most important thing in the world.

    However I know what you're talking about. So many people seem to think that losing your virginity while you're young is super important which you still are. I just don't get why is everybody trying to drop it like it's bad luck or something. Then there's also the guys that look down upon us because oh I'm not going to get laid and there's the girls that look at us like we're not human if we still are a virgin.

    But everyone isn't like that and a lot of people actually still believe that remaining a virgin is a good thing... Just most people don't follow that road and that's fine too.

  • 1) No matter what you do, there will be people who criticize and judge. Whether you're a virgin or not, that won't change. Virgins are frowned upon by some people and non-virgins are frowned upon by some people

    2) Just because someone's not a virgin doesn't automatically mean they "whore around." Plenty of people choose to only have sex in long-term, committed relationships. However, even for the people who do engage in casual sex, putting other women down to raise yourself up is pretty immature.

    Overall, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin just like there's nothing wrong with being a non-virgin. Everyone should just mind their own business regarding other people's sex lives (or lack thereof).

    • Pretty much summed it all up lol

  • They aren't... it's just dumb and immature people who say this stuff to make you act like them... to make you feel crappy about yourself then to have sex with everybody as some sort of stupid "competition" of who can sleep with the most people, or they just do it because they aren't your friends, want you to pressure you into losing your virginity only to call you a "slut" after... this would most likely happen to girls than guys though... but sometimes guys get people being mean to them too when they give into the pressure jsut to make themselves look good... it's just a stupid small group of people that do it though... when i was a virgin people knew but i was never made fun of...

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16 31
  • I have no idea who the hell you've been talking to but you could not be more wrong.

    Guys value virgins more than anything. Why bag the girl that's been around the block a few times when I can be with a girl that's only had me?

    Additionally, I don't know about other guys but I think a girl's "expertise" is overrated. Truthfully, I've had a couple girls that knew how to move but it's not necessary at all. I've also had girls that just laid there and it worked out quite well.

  • "Ever since girls started whoring around guys suddenly felt like they owned the world claiming that they wouldn't date someone inexperienced"

    Wait whaaaaattttt?
    Guide me through your train of thought again.

  • There's nothing wrong with being a virgin or not being a virgin, who cares what other people think. In my opinion it's not something that should be praised and it's not something that should be frowned upon, it's not anyone's business who you sleep or don't sleep with. I'm 27 and i'm still a virgin and i've been on a lot of dates and some guys liked it and some guys didn't (tried to convince me otherwise) and it wasn't the end of the fcking world to me one way or another lol

  • Because virgins have self control and common sense. I'm not bashing those who aren't virgins, I'm just speaking generally. I hate generalizations, don't get me wrong, but this does have quite a bit of truth to it...

  • #generalisation48

  • Uhh I've never been bashed or shamed for being a virgin. People have been SURPRISED that I'm a virgin, but not disgusted.

    • Still surprised @.@

    • @JackKerouac77 o. o

    • OK, surprise gone! #.#

    • Show All
  • Female virgins aren't frowned upon. Male virgins however... well, that's a far different story. :\

    • Doesn't bother me if a guy is a virgin. My precious :)

  • Guys don't dislike virgins..

  • Sounds like you've been surrounding yourself with dbags

  • Never noticed. I lost mine at 20 and was never looked at as weird

  • My friends always tease me about it and when they talk about sex they always ignore me like I know I've never done it but it's not like I'm totally clueless about it. Don't concern yourself about what others say, do you.

  • Isn't it the opposite? Guys like virgins, girls dislike virgins? That's why men don't like to be with women who have slept with many guys, and guys feel the need to sleep with many women to feel validated.
    I rarely see men disliking virgin women, but most of the time I see women disliking virgin men.

  • They do that to feel better about themselves, of course. They think having had sex with someone makes them more valuable as a person, and thus everyone else who did NOT have sex with others inferior.

    You can only feel superior to others if the others are inferior, after all.

  • I've met that kind of people too... mostly my friends or my guy friends lol :)

    i think not everyone would date a virgin, there are people who only want to meet virgins or some they do not care whether you are a virgin or not. You do not have to think what others think about your virginity. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin :)

  • I'm a virgin so I don't frown upon virgin girls.

  • I didn't know they were.

  • "Ever since girls started whoring around"

    You mean since the beginning of time?

    Don't listen to what other people say and just do you. It doesn't matter if a lot of guys don't like virgins, because there are plenty that do. Relax.

  • Really you've never met a jew then. Being a virgin means you still follow the path of god and aren't willing to waste your virginity with a non virgin.

    Most people aren't virgins, and they wonder why they're infected.

  • Guys dislike virgins for casual relationships but for serious relationships they either prefer virgins or don't care. So basically don't worry about it and wait until you feel comfortable.

    It's waay worse to be a male virgin. Inexperienced girls either dont care or prefer experienced guys, experienced girls prefer experienced guys. Nobody prefers inexperienced guys. except for maybe religious girls.

  • i'm a virgin, but most of my guy say they love being first so.
    some guys are just stupid
    they search for whores then complain about them
    i'm on my 20's and is a virgin i find nothing wrong with that
    waiting for the one and only person.

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