Im thinking of getting plastic surgery because toronto guys on craigslist and meet me and okc have picked on my appearance, including my ex. HELP?

The guys here seem pretty superficial and have made fun of my eyebrows, nose, and my body. Im just tired of meeting them all they seem to want is some IG model or a model type of girl. I've been thinking of asking my parents for plastic surgery (one of them makes good money). Please help!!!
Im thinking of getting plastic surgery because toronto guys on craigslist and meet me and okc have picked on my appearance, including my ex. HELP?
Im thinking of getting plastic surgery because toronto guys on craigslist and meet me and okc have picked on my appearance, including my ex. HELP?
Im thinking of getting plastic surgery because toronto guys on craigslist and meet me and okc have picked on my appearance, including my ex. HELP?
Im thinking of getting plastic surgery because toronto guys on craigslist and meet me and okc have picked on my appearance, including my ex. HELP?
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