Does she like me or him?

Over the past few weeks, my friend has done these things:

- She asked if I had a girlfriend. When I said no, she asked why not.

- We were outside and I asked "why is it so hot and humid out here?" She shot back, "It's because you're out here. Oooohhh!" like it was an insult, when it almost seemed like a compliment lol.

- She told me to put this long piece of grass in my mouth to make me look like a farmer or something. When I did, she giggled at me.

- She seems shyer when it's just the two of us.

- She laughs or giggles at everything I say it seems like.

- Whenever we play a game or something she always insults me and quickly follows it with a "just kidding!"

- She lost track of where she was when dealing cards and gave me a "pouty" look,

- She asked me if I liked her nail polish, and then went into an entire story about why she picked it when I said yes.

- I've caught her looking at me on a few occasions.

- She told me to smile so she could see my dimples, which she apparently thinks are the greatest things in the world.

I would be convinced she likes me if she wasn't so close to another friend. They tend to sit together and sometimes lean on one another, too. They're really close friends, but I know they aren't going out. She is kind of mean to him, but in a joking manner usually. What do you think?
Does she like me or him?
18 Opinion