I have the HPV virus. Should I just blurt this out whenever I meet someone?

I have the HPV virus.and trust me it sucks! First off let me tell you I am not some sort of dirty whore! I have only slept with 8 people in my 13 years of sexual activity. I got this virus from my ex (we broke up like a year ago our relationship was 8yrs long).

The thing is this,There is this guy that I am kind of working towards dating, I know he is totally interested, BUT he doesn't know my deep dark secret yet! I say YET because I will tell him eventually, we haven't had sex, NOR will I until I tell him.

I am just scared to death that he will go running (and don't get me wrong I don't blame him at all if he does!)

I am really lost as this is my first time out there with this virus. And I know that I am not the only one suffering from this. statistics show that like 1-10 people have this virus.

I guess the real question is this.IS IT WRONG for me to go on dates and stuff with him(we've also made out), trying to get to know each other better? OR should I just blurt this out whenever I met someone?.maybe wear a big neon sign that says "HPV SUFFERER".

LIKE I SAID I WILL TELL HIM, WHEN SEX BECOMES AN ISSUE.you can't get it from kissing, and right now that is all that is happening.

How would you feel if it were you in his shoes? Would you feel that I should have told you from the start, or would you understand why I waited until it was necessary?

any advice would be greatly appreciated, but please don't judge me.i feel horrible about this as it is!
I have the HPV virus. Should I just blurt this out whenever I meet someone?
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