Can I ever trust again or did she ruin me forever?

Was with my ex for 8 years. Everything was great. I loved her deeply. She was my best friend, my lover, and I thought my soul mate. We hung out daily. Lived together. The sex was incredible. Made her come every time if not twice. I was about to ask her to marry me. She had been going over to her cousin's a lot. I trusted her, plus it's her cousin. Well, she came home a few weeks ago and told me she no longer loved me. Said she was in love with her cousin. That she had always loved him since they were little but thought they could never be together. Since then I've been sleeping on a buddies couch. How do you know someone for 8 years and get blind sided like this? I feel like I'll never be able to put myself out there like that again. Has anyone ever over come sh*t like this? Or just been dumped from a long relationship? If so, do you ever really love again? Because I don't think I could trust a girl again. I feel like she's turned me into one of those overbearing assholes that doesn't trust his girl. I mean think about it. If I ever date again and she says she is going to stay with some family, I'll be the only guy on earth worried about that now. She'd be like "it's family, not like I'd f*** family." And I'd be like "maybe" So honestly, am I f***ed for life? I feel like it.
Can I ever trust again or did she ruin me forever?
7 Opinion